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Conducting world-class equipment training to improve survivability in the most demanding tactical medical and technical recovery situations.


Tribalco’s advanced training courses focus on how to assess and treat patients, how to perform life-sustaining interventions at the point of injury, and how to execute timely technical rescues from numerous environments, including the world’s most hostile areas.

In addition to providing training for members of the military, our instructors teach classes for federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel and civilian first responders. Contact us by phone at 301.941.3700 or use our form.

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) Set Program of Record Course

TCCC CASEVAC New Equipment Training (NET): Our interactive TCCC CASEVAC NET course is designed to improve students’ casualty treatment and management skills. NET teaches students to properly employ all kits and/or modules contained in the USSOCOM TCCC CASEVAC set.

Learn more about these Specialized Kits

Tactical Combat Casualty Care CASEVAC Set Program of Record Course

USAF Technical Recovery (TR) IV Program of Record Courses

From new equipment training to refresher courses and equipment maintenance, these courses teach operators to use the specialized equipment in the USAF Technical Recovery Kits.

Technical Recovery Operator Training (TROT): The in-depth two-week TROT curriculum encompasses the Light REDS, Heavy REDS, and Confined Space and Structural Collapse Technical Rescue Kits fielded by the USAF TR IV program. TROT is part PJ Level 5 training requirements.

Operator Refresher Training: This course covers a subset of the techniques and skills found in the more extensive TROT course. The curriculum for each course varies based on specific skills requested by the end-user.

Just-In-Time (JIT): JIT provides pararescue personnel with functional knowledge and operator-level maintenance instruction on specifically requested equipment found in the GA kits. JIT courses are typically delivered to support deployments or anticipated requests for force augmentation.

Self-contained Hybrid Integrated Evolution Life-support Device (SHIELD) Training: This course, purposefully designed for pararescue maintenance personnel who service SHIELD units, teaches students how to keep the apparatus operational and deployment ready.

Technical Rescue Equipment: Maintenance and Service: Tribalco conducts maintenance and inventory management as part of our Pararescue contract with USAF TR IV program. We service kits and subkits for all ACC and AFSOC CONUS and OCONUS unit locations globally. We perform recordkeeping, tracking, and reporting to keep these kits mission-ready at all times.

USAF Technical Recovery IV Program of Record Courses

Customizable Courses for SOF and Non-SOF Personnel

Specific course material and curriculum can be tailored to meet an organization’s specific mission requirements, allowing end-users to focus on and retain the competencies that are the most relevant and applicable in their real-world operations. Due to the comprehensive nature of our curricula, most of our customized training is delivered over several days.

Technical Rescue Courses: Technical rescue course topics include high-angle, confined space, structural collapse, and vehicle extrication.

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Courses: Our TCCC course coves topics such as care under fire, tactical field care, and tactical evacuation.

Combination Technical Rescue and TCCC Courses: These courses provide a refined combination of topics from both the Technical Rescue and TCCC courses.

Customizable Courses for SOF and Non-SOF Personnel

About Our Courses

Tribalco’s training resources are based on TCCC guidelines, NFPA 1006, peer-reviewed evidence, after-action reviews, and lessons learned from real-world experiences. Our courses enable students to assess situations, perform life-sustaining interventions, and execute timely, tactical evacuations from hostile areas. We use didactic classroom and extensive hands-on practical exercises to build strong foundational skill sets. After thorough, repetitious skill building, we place students in scenarios that challenge their skills, allowing them to recognize what is realistic and unrealistic in dynamic situations.

Students will enhance their abilities to perform critical skills and develop organization-specific tactics, techniques, and procedures to facilitate future mission success.

Combat-Experienced Instructors

Tribalco’s instructors are current and former tactical medics and technical rescue specialists with Special Operations backgrounds. With experience treating casualties in hostile/combat environments and performing rescue and recovery operations worldwide, our instructors are uniquely qualified to understand the missions, challenges, and training needs of deployed personnel.

In addition to providing training for members of the military, our instructors teach classes for federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel and civilian first responders.

Contact Us

To learn more about Tribalco’s training courses for SOF, law enforcement, and emergency responders or register for a course, contact Tribalco Survival and Safety Systems by phone at 301.941.3700 or use our form.

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